Page 4 - Product Catalogue
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After a hard day’s work with your chain saw, brushcutter, blower or hedge trimmer, do you ever spend time thinking
about your ECHO tool? Do you ever wonder if it will easily start the next time you need it, will it have enough power
or will it last until the job is done? Probably not. You don’t have to think about your tool because we already have.
Our philosophy is simple – to produce professional quality products that meet the demands of the people who use
The Essence of ECHO is a complex story intended to make your life simple. The many facets include:
Skilled Craftsmen Integrated Production
For over 70 years we’ve been producing durable, The engine is the heart of our products and we control
dependable products. It starts with engineers who the entire process. Our vertically integrated system
understand the requirements of the applications and starts with ingots and includes casting, machining,
optimise performance, durability and ergonomics. They heat treating, polishing and plating, all done in Japan.
are followed by those in manufacturing who take great When you are famous for your engines, you don’t want
pride in what they do: create components to exacting to put your reputation in someone else’s hands.
specifications and assemble them into products worthy
of the ECHO name.
World Class Technology Relentless Commitment to Quality
To be a global leader, you need to have cutting edge Check, check and re-check. Prototypes are field
technology. We use the latest materials for strength tested for months to assure they meet demanding
and reduced weight. Computerized design and criteria. Parts are continually measured to make
manufacturing allow us to meet tight tolerances, sure there is no deviation. Assemblies are tested for
providing superior fit, finish and performance. Robots fit. Every engine is started and measured to make
work tirelessly in tandem with our skilled associates for sure they perform from the first pull. There are no
efficient and concise assembly of our products. assumptions and there is no “good enough.”
For more information on The Essence of
ECHO, scan this QR code.